December 2024 Lineup
Celebrate the season with Juliette Leong and her friends as they bring magic and joy to the stage in these spectacular holiday performances throughout December!
December 7 at the Pioneer Center, Reno Philharmonic Orchestra Spirit of the Season Annual Holiday Concert YSO busking 6:00 PM
**Only a few tickets left! ​​
Legends Featured Performer with Santa, Juliette Leong and Friends from Reno Phil Youth Symphony Orchestra and Music with Confidence
December 7 from 11 AM to 1:30 PM
December 8 from 11 AM to 2:30 PM
December 14 from postponed due to weather
December 22 from 11:30 AM to 3:30 PM
Times may vary due to weather conditions​
December 8 Winfield Springs Holiday Party!
**Private Event
December 11 from 4-6 PM 94.5 FM Reno American Furniture Christmas Soirée & Giveaway Featured Performer
**Be prepared for a line around the block!
December 12 RWR Christmas Gala at Atlantis Casino Resort Featured Performer with @musicwithconfidence
Soloist at "A Susanville Christmas" with Susanville Symphony @thesusanvillesymphonysociety
December 13 at 7 PM **SOLD OUT!
December 15 at 2:30 PM **SOLD OUT!
December 15th show was oversold! Thanks for your support!​
December 14 from 11:45 AM-1:30 PM Galaxy Theaters Featured Performer with singing Santa!
and take your pictures with Santa!
December 14 at 2 PM Music with Confidence Winter Banquet "Let It... Show!" Featured Recitalist @musicwithconfidence
December 14 at 7 PM
Reno Pops Orchestra Festive Holidays of Harps & Handbells @renopopsorch
**ALL SEATS FULL and audience streamed from 8 different countries!​
December 16 Death Valley!
**Private Event​
December 17 Vietnam Veterans of America Christmas Party Featured Performer with @musicwithconfidence
December 18 Las Vegas!
Award Recipient @nevadastatetreasurer
December 19 Sacramento, CA
**Private Event
December 21 St. Vincent Dining of Catholic Charities of Northern Nevada
with Reno Pops Orchestra
December 23 Reno Senior Center Holiday Party
​Featured Performer with @musicwithconfidence @washoecountynv
December 24 Alameda, CA
​Featured Performer
December 25 Fremont, CA
​**Private Party
And MORE! 😲🥳🤠😎
(some dates may vary)
When I'm wrapping up my gigs, it will be just in time to attend the @renochamberorchestra Music Festival December 28-31, 2024.